Author’s Preface

Tarot should be accessible.

One obstacle to Tarot’s accessibility is the lack of clear information about the traditional meanings of each card. Many guides exist, but they are copyrighted, which limits their usefulness to students, teachers, and media developers. The text of Waite’s Pictorial Key to the Tarot is now in the public domain, but that text is too difficult for most readers.

As the author of this work, I’m declaring all text in this document “uncopyrighted.” As a result, it is free for any use in any context. Want to integrate these meanings into your class materials? Want to use them in an iPhone app? Want to use them in your book? Want to remix, rehash, or revise them? Want to sell a book or app that uses these meanings?

Have at them; they belong to everyone.

If you use them, it builds good karma to give me some credit. Something simple will do, like: “Divinatory Meanings by Mark McElroy (” But you’re also free to use the material without any attribution at all. It’s up to you.

The only thing you can’t do with this text is make any attempt to limit its use. That’s the one right I reserve: the right to insist this text may be freely used by anyone, in any way, under any circumstances, world without end, Amen.

Mark McElroy