Author’s Preface
In 2006, I cut a deal with Que Books to write The Absolute Beginner’s Guide to Tarot. Unfortunately, before the book became available, Que discontinued The Absolute Beginner’s Guide series. And while the book was eventually released, a quirk in its distribution kept most New Age gift shops and bookstores from being able to order it.
As a result, very few people ever found the book.
Now that the rights have reverted to me, I’m delighted to update, revise, and release the text of The Absolute Beginner’s Guide to Tarot as a brand-new book: A Guide to Tarot Card Readings.
Many guides to reading Tarot cards exist, but they are copyrighted, which limits their usefulness to students, teachers, and media developers. And while the text of Waite’s Pictorial Key to the Tarot is now in the public domain, that text is too esoteric and archaic for most students.
As the author of this work, I’ve decided to release it under a Creative Commons license. As a result, it is free for any use in any context. Want to integrate these methods into your class materials? Want to use them in an iPhone app? Want to use them in your book? Want to remix, rehash, or revise them?
Go for it. The text of this book belongs to you.
If you use this text, it builds good karma to give me some credit. Something simple will do, like: “Based on work by Mark McElroy (”
The only thing you can’t do with this text is make any attempt to limit its use. Enjoy!