Suit of Coins

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Ace of Coins


Health, wealth, practicality, receiving

Range of Meaning

Light: Outlining a plan for achieving prosperity. Becoming aware of opportunities to improve income or health. Realizing you have everything you need. Appreciating everything the Universe has given you. Receiving the perfect gift at the perfect time.

Shadow: Indulging in relentless consumerism. Wanting more, no matter how much you have. Obsessing on your account balance. Suffering from hypochondria. Consuming blessings without expressing gratitude. Taking what you want without concern for the needs of others.


Two of Coins


Evaluation, decision, budgeting, diagnosis

Range of Meaning

Light: Weighing options. Comparing prices. Determining the value of one option over another. Juggling resources to make ends meet. Making difficult choices based on what’s best for your body or your bankbook. Looking at the bottom line. Asking for a second opinion on health issues.

Shadow: Engaging in endless price comparison. Putting off a buying decision for fear of finding a slightly better value later on. Buying something without regard for value. Breaking your budget with unnecessary expenses. Engaging in behavior with no regard for how your body or bankbook will be impacted.


Three of Coins


Expression, production, work, contribution

Range of Meaning

Light: Finishing a project. Setting and meeting standards. Performing according to specifications. Making something others value. Creating something new. Doing your part in a group project. Delivering exactly what others have asked for.

Shadow: Pandering to the tastes of others. Failing to deliver what you’ve promised. Not delivering your best work unless closely supervised. Ignoring or breaking agreements with those who have invested in you. Refusing to do your part. Failing to abide by a clearly-outlined agreement with yourself or others.


Four of Coins


Protection, conservation, preservation, safety

Range of Meaning

Light: Saving for a rainy day. Fasting as part of a spiritual practice. Dieting in an effort to improve your body. Abstaining from sex as a way of honoring a spiritual tradition or personal promise. Being financially conservative. Establishing a trust fund. Opening a savings account.

Shadow: Being stingy. Refusing to spend money that needs to be spent. Withholding sex from your partner. Taking care of your own needs exclusively, without regard for the needs of others. Spending a dollar to save a penny. Failing to be a good manager of the blessings you’ve been given.


Five of Coins


Poverty, destitution, need, crisis

Range of Meaning

Light: Recognizing your needs and taking action to fulfill them. Doing as much as you can do with what little you have. Admitting you need help. Embracing the aid that comes your way. Focusing on what you have versus what you don’t. Looking for the light at the end of the tunnel.

Shadow: Exaggerating your financial or physical needs. Adopting a poverty mentality. Refusing to support yourself. Refusing offers of support. Playing the martyr. Turning down opportunities to improve your health or finances. Wallowing in misery.


Six of Coins


Charity, fairness, cooperation, sharing

Range of Meaning

Light: Giving time, money, or effort to a charity. Taking part in a group effort. Lending your resources to others without expecting anything in return. Making sure everyone is treated equally. Working together toward a common goal. Redistributing wealth, time, or attention. Tithing. Sharing credit for your success.

Shadow: Making a loan as a means of gaining control over someone. Using charitable acts to draw attention to yourself. Dividing work or resources unfairly. Failing to do your part in a group effort. Ignoring obligations and commitments.


Seven of Coins


Assessment, evaluation, re-evaluation, reflection

Range of Meaning

Light: Measuring progress toward your goal. Looking at results with an eye toward improving performance. Asking, “How happy am I?” Coming up with ideas for improving your health or prosperity. Deciding it’s time for a change. Expressing an honest opinion.

Shadow: Becoming distracted by melancholy thoughts. Longing for “the good old days.” Beating yourself up over lost opportunities. Judging your own work harshly. Holding others to inappropriate standards. Refusing to take part in a project, then whining about the quality of the outcome.


Eight of Coins


Effort, work diligence, skill

Range of Meaning

Light: Doing your best. Bringing enthusiasm and zeal to your work. Making an effort to be the best you can be. Finding the work that is right for you. Taking care of the small details. Becoming a finely skilled craftsperson. Building something with your hands. Making a handmade gift.

Shadow: Working yourself to death. Doing a half-hearted or sloppy job. Continuing in a job you hate. Buying thoughtless gifts. Producing work with shoddy craftsmanship. Rushing through your work. Rejecting opportunities to learn more about your craft.


Nine of Coins


Training, discipline, confidence, enough

Range of Meaning

Light: Investing time in learning or teaching a difficult task. Restraining yourself from physical or financial extremes. Making sacrifices as a way of achieving larger goals. Breaking a complex task down into simple steps. Wanting what you have. Knowing the difference between needs and wants.

Shadow: Being assigned to a task without being trained to perform it. Pursuing a position for which you are not qualified. Disregarding requirements. Refusing to dedicate adequate time or attention when learning about something or someone new. Always craving more.


Ten of Coins


Wealth, abundance, acquisition, greed

Range of Meaning

Light: Celebrating your physical and financial blessings. Realizing how lucky or how blessed you are. Being satisfied with your physical and financial achievements. Taking best advantage of “times of plenty.” Enjoying a feast. Showering friends or family with gifts.

Shadow: Spending all of your money on extravagant gifts and possessions. Trying too hard to impress others with your wealth or physique. Giving an inappropriately expensive gift as a means of currying favor. Obsessing on matters of weight, health, or finance. Always asking, “What’s in it for me?”


Page of Coins


Practicality, prosperity, learning, growth, adolescence

Range of Meaning

Light: Learning the value of a dollar. Starting a savings plan. Taking the first steps toward getting out of debt. Learning new physical tasks. Discovering your sexuality. Launching a diet, a weight-lifting program, or a health-related effort. Learning by doing.

Shadow: Trying to appear healthier or wealthier than you really are. Spending money carelessly. Living strictly for today, with no thought of tomorrow. Possessing immature attitudes toward sex and sexuality. Using wealth or beauty as an excuse for not having to learn and grow.


Knight of Coins


Caution, focus, realism, invention

Range of Meaning

Light: Spending money wisely. Saving for a rainy day. Paying close attention to physical or financial details. Knowing where every dollar goes. Having safe sex. Preferring facts to “good feelings.” Finding creative ways to “make do” with resources on hand. Completing a new invention.

Shadow: Throwing caution to the four winds. Spending without regard for consequence. Spending on luxury when necessities are lacking. Escaping stress by spending money. Obsessing on tiny physical or financial details. Perpetually chasing after some new bauble. Copying another’s work and claiming it as your own.


Queen of Coins


Luxury, comfort, resourcefulness, generosity, prosperity

Range of Meaning

Light: Appreciating fine food, fine wine, beautiful art, beautiful bodies, or any of the better things in life. Reveling in healthy sexuality. Treating yourself. Splurging on the occasional “nice to have” item. Rewarding someone with compensation above and beyond expectations. Having it all.

Shadow: Indulging in gluttony or greediness. Becoming insatiable. Blunting the impact of treats by indulging in them too often. Providing physical comfort without providing for emotional needs. Allowing a feeling of entitlement to distort your gratitude for what you’re given.


King of Coins


Stability, dependability, confidence, intervention

Range of Meaning

Light: Becoming debt-free. Having more than enough to get by. Making contributions to a savings plan. Taking a new job with an eye toward advancing your career. Buying life or health insurance. Being confident in the bedroom. Taking on the role of enforcer when called upon to do so.

Shadow: Becoming so conservative you resist all change on principle alone. Ignoring innovations in the name of preserving tradition. Being smug or cocky. Becoming ruthlessly dedicated to profit or pleasure. Being sexually selfish. Bossing others around, especially when you’re not empowered to do so.