Choose from spread deck
This is simply the card images randomized and then spread face down in rows for you to intuitively select. Click on, or drag, one, and it will appear to turn over to show its face. We suggest that most people try using their non-dominant hand and see if it feels any different.
Use your preferred layout, or try one of these: 1 Card·2 Cards (Pro/Con)·2 Cards (Crossroads)·3 Cards·5 Cards (Story Spread)·7 Cards V-Formation·9 Cards·Minor Cross·Tirage en Croix·Celtic Cross·Tetraktys·Lemniscate 12 Cards
- After selecting some card images, you can select one of the built-in layouts while keeping your choice of cards: Simply choose a layout from the menu, then click the Substitute button.
- To hide the rows of face-down cards, you can click on the gray arrow to the left of the rows of face-down cards, or press the F key on your keyboard.
- You can use your computer’s mouse, touchpad, or touchscreen to drag the card images (individually or as a “lassoed” group) across the display. Press G a few times to try the “snap-to-grid” feature.
- To shift, as a group, all of the cards laid out, you can hold down the ⇧ Shift key when you press the arrow keys. To center the layout, press ⇧ Shift+. keys.
- To resize the card images (without resizing the entire window), press Alt+↑ or Alt+↓. Press Alt+. to reset.
- You can easily prepare graphical illustrations:
- First, click the Sort button. You will then see the cards, arrayed in miniature, face up.
- In the order that you will want them positioned in your layout, click to select cards. To invert (“reverse”) a card, press the I key.
- You can either drag the selected cards into position (perhaps with the aid of the “snap-to-grid” feature), or use the Substitute button to apply one of the built-in layouts to your selected cards.
- Finally, click on the Share button to download and save an image file of the spread that you created, or to get a URL coded to “replay” it. (Note: The feature is only available on full-featured modern browsers.)